Okocim O.K. Beer

These guys do a porter that is hands down one of the best in the world. However, there's something about this beer that makes me think that it will be good, but not great. Just can't quite put my finger on it...
Brewery - Browar Okocim S.A. (Carlsberg) in Brzesko, Poland
Style - Polish Pils (according to the label)
ABV - 6.2%
Serving Type - 330ml bottle
The Okocim (pronounced: Oh-KOTCH-eem) brewery started in 1845 while the area was still controlled by the Austrian Empire. There have been some renovations over the past few years so it's a little bigger and more modern than it once was, but it does still have the original chimney from '45.
Try as I might, I was not able to find out what the deal with the name is. They didn't even respond to my e-mails. In fact, there isn't much original content on the web about this beer; all of it seems to have been written by the ad department. It uses "indigenous Polish hop varieties", but the specific varieties aren’t disclosed. The water, however, comes from a spring in the Tatra mountain range.
Everyone mentions that this beer helped to "defined the "Polish Pils" style", but once again we are left to wonder what exactly the means. How is that different from a German Pils? Also, "the O.K. label remains mostly unchanged from its original design from forty years ago, which is testimony to the spirit of this brewery’s vision." What is the brewery's vision and how does it relate to the label?
The distributor was able to come up with an interesting, if true, story. On the neck it reads "imported by Stawski Imports" with a big gold "Stawski" scrawled underneath it. As a result, the beer has become known as “Stawski’s Beer” in Poland. They also make a note that this was the first variety of Okocim imported to the US.
Glass – Kona Brewing pint glass
Aroma – Well it’s obvious that one of those indigenous Polish hops is of the Saaz variety. Their distinct floral aroma is predominant. It is also a slight sweet and malty. Unfortunately, I also get just a slight cidery aroma, probably due to its age.
Appearance – It pours with virtually no crown, which dissipates quickly. This obviously means there is no lace to speak of. The beer is pale straw colored and is bright and clear.
Flavor – This beer tastes a lot like it smells. The hoppieness is dominant all the way through. On the front of the tongue it’s sweet, and on the back it is a little bitter.
Mouthfeel – The beer is watery and moderately carbonated. It finishes slightly dry.
Final Thoughts – Talk about a beer that lives up to its name. It’s light and refreshing, good but not complex. It’s a little sweeter than most Pale Ales, but other than that there isn’t much to be said.
Brewery - Browar Okocim S.A. (Carlsberg) in Brzesko, Poland
Style - Polish Pils (according to the label)
ABV - 6.2%
Serving Type - 330ml bottle
The Okocim (pronounced: Oh-KOTCH-eem) brewery started in 1845 while the area was still controlled by the Austrian Empire. There have been some renovations over the past few years so it's a little bigger and more modern than it once was, but it does still have the original chimney from '45.
Try as I might, I was not able to find out what the deal with the name is. They didn't even respond to my e-mails. In fact, there isn't much original content on the web about this beer; all of it seems to have been written by the ad department. It uses "indigenous Polish hop varieties", but the specific varieties aren’t disclosed. The water, however, comes from a spring in the Tatra mountain range.
Everyone mentions that this beer helped to "defined the "Polish Pils" style", but once again we are left to wonder what exactly the means. How is that different from a German Pils? Also, "the O.K. label remains mostly unchanged from its original design from forty years ago, which is testimony to the spirit of this brewery’s vision." What is the brewery's vision and how does it relate to the label?
The distributor was able to come up with an interesting, if true, story. On the neck it reads "imported by Stawski Imports" with a big gold "Stawski" scrawled underneath it. As a result, the beer has become known as “Stawski’s Beer” in Poland. They also make a note that this was the first variety of Okocim imported to the US.
Glass – Kona Brewing pint glass
Aroma – Well it’s obvious that one of those indigenous Polish hops is of the Saaz variety. Their distinct floral aroma is predominant. It is also a slight sweet and malty. Unfortunately, I also get just a slight cidery aroma, probably due to its age.
Appearance – It pours with virtually no crown, which dissipates quickly. This obviously means there is no lace to speak of. The beer is pale straw colored and is bright and clear.
Flavor – This beer tastes a lot like it smells. The hoppieness is dominant all the way through. On the front of the tongue it’s sweet, and on the back it is a little bitter.
Mouthfeel – The beer is watery and moderately carbonated. It finishes slightly dry.
Final Thoughts – Talk about a beer that lives up to its name. It’s light and refreshing, good but not complex. It’s a little sweeter than most Pale Ales, but other than that there isn’t much to be said.