Punkin’ Ale

'Tis the season for Pumpkin beers, so I thought I would try this one right after the Night Owl Pumpkin Ale in order to better compare them.
Brewery - Dogfish Head in Milton, DE
Style – Pumpkin Ale
ABV – 7.0%
IBUs - 24
Serving Type - 12 oz. bottle
Since this is a comparison tasting, I don’t want talk to much about Dogfish Head. But don’t worry, I’m a big fan of the brewery so the next time I taste one I’ll get a little more into it. Just to wet your appetite, however, here is a quote from Michael Jackson calling Dogfish Head "America's most interesting and adventurous small brewery." This particular beer is available September 1st every year, and is named after the annual Punkin' Chunkin Festival held near Lewes, Delaware the weekend after Halloween.
Glass – Hogwarts pint glass
Aroma – The overall aroma is very slight. Once again spices dominate the aroma; nutmeg and allspice in particular. The hops impart a slightly earthy smell.
Appearance – This is a very clear amber/orange-ish beer. Thin, fizzy head that dissipates quickly.
Flavor – The allspice hits the back of my tongue sharply. Very little in the way of maltyness or hop bitterness. There is a little sweetness that reminds me of brown sugar. It finished clean with a light lingering spiciness.
Mouthfeel – Medium body, moderate carbonation.
Final Thoughts – I should have known better than to taste this AFTER the Night Owl. It probably is a much better beer than what I was able to get out of it, but comparing the two side by side I’ve got to say that this beer is not nearly as complex and much more subtle in its flavors. It is however, cleaner and crisper tasting. And for all you fans of getting drunk, it has more alcohol.
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